Corgi Training

10 Tips on How to Guide Your Corgi to Swim


A Corgi is a bit sluggish when it comes to learning something new. This might probably be because they already do a lot to impress their owner and other people around them. A lot of positive reinforcements might make them even lazier. Training is a bit difficult due to their highly playful nature and restless attitude.

Repeating the same task, again and again, is too boring for them. Unless they are trained before you adopt or rescue them, this will not be a piece of cake at all. This breed is much more happy-go-lucky in comparison to other dogs of similar statute and characteristics. Do not rely much on training videos as you would not be able to make out when your pup has zoned out entirely or even partially. Many of them doze off purposely to avoid such routines. Such highly intelligent creatures they are! As far as swimming is concerned, you can easily train them to swim using the tips that have been specially curated for Corgi owners. Have a look!

Useful Swimming Tips for Corgi Owners

Raising a Corgi requires a considerable amount of effort as well as financial resources. They do not demand a lot, but their natural needs need to be catered to. These include the particular kind of atmosphere, healthy surroundings, and a habitat free from common dog allergens. In case the owners have practically no time for the pet, a caretaker also becomes a necessity. This is due to the fact that Corgi hates loneliness. If left by itself for long periods, it might not be long before the canine turns completely insane. To avoid such bad consequences, it is advisable to get your Corgi once you have the required time for its upbringing. If the case is the exact opposite, the pup might end up bonding with the caretaking personnel instead of the parents. Such a scenario might be quite unpleasant for both parties. Go through the following tips for a pleasant swimming experience with your furry friends:

You might need to encourage them to swim

Corgis were predominantly used only for herding activities. Therefore, they are not much accustomed to water sports or other related activities. Once they begin swimming, everything will be sorted. Prepare them for a few days before introducing them to the actual swimming area.

Never allow swimming without a tube or dog life jacket

Corgis are not good swimmers by birth. They need some time to learn and adapt. As far as swimming is concerned, make sure you have a life jacket for the dog. Tubes are a bit restricting. Let them move around for a while so that you get a clear idea. Do not be in a lot of hurry.

Edges need to be safer than usual

In case the Corgi has to swim in a concrete pool, make sure adequate arrangements are made before the big day. Foams can be used, or other family members can stay near the edges to prevent any injury to the Corgi.

There should be constant supervision while the dog swims

If a swimming trainer is not available at the moment, be there with your pup. It might also experience fear of water like human babies. Do not let your Corgi stay all alone in the water. Sticks can be used to guide the way for baby Corgis.

Barriers should be fixed so that they do not go too far

For beaches or other large water bodies, Corgis cannot be allowed to swim that freely. They have powerful legs and a relatively small body. This means that they can easily cover large distances. For personal pools, use barriers if possible.

The temperature of the water should be adequate for the pup

Corgis should not be allowed to swim in warm water. They love to splash in cold water and might enjoy some water sports as well. Check the temperature well in advance and make sure the surrounding atmosphere is not too hot or rainy.

Deeper levels should be discouraged early on

Take your pup to the shallow side only. Dogs should not be engaged in diving or other hazardous drills. Just let your Corgi swim around the shallow end, and floating is permissible as far as deeper lots are concerned. Safety should be ensured throughout.

For beginners, owners should accompany if possible

Watching a Corgi swim might be a relaxing experience. Swimming along with them is an even better option. Why is that so? Safety, as well as better bonding, is ensured at the same time. In other words, this activity will prove to be a two-pronged sword.

The water should be free from allergens

Chlorine tests must be performed in advance. If it is a private pool, avoid usage of harsh chemicals or fragrances as Corgis are irritated by scents. Soaps should also be excluded. Water insects attack Corgis too soon. Beware of those tiny hazards as well.

An after bath is equally essential for Corgis

Just give them a thorough splash. Do not bathe your pup vigorously, as swimming is a tiresome activity. Drying is also essential. Let them have fun!


With time, a Corgi will learn how to swim as they take up new things exceptionally well. If you wish to control your dog, use commands as much as possible. Ensure that the words you use are limited in variety, and speaking does not change a lot. The dog does not understand the meaning but can indeed become conditioned to act in a certain way. You can use all these to teach your Corgi how to obey you in times of urgency. Small commands like sit, stand, and handshake is equally essential. For advanced training, better words can also be employed. Work on the clarity of words and make sure the dog understands them fully. Appreciation might help in this step, up to a considerable extent.