Corgi Training

10 Remarkable Training Tips for Corgi Owners

Bringing home a puppy can be overwhelming. As exciting as the experience of dog companionship is, it also brings with it a lot of responsibilities. First-time dog owners often seem to stress themselves with questions like “Will I be able to take proper care of my dog?” or “How will I train my dog?”.

The anxiety is doubled, especially when you’re a working Corgi parent. Corgis are certainly one of the most adorable dog breeds, but they’re exceptionally affectionate and require a lot of attention from their owners. So, no matter how busy your schedule is, you have to ensure that your little one gets enough attention to building a healthy relationship.

  1. Every dog owner needs to begin their dog’s training process as soon as possible. So, the primary concern of almost all dog owners is whether a dog is trainable or not. In that context, you are fortunate if you are a corgi parent. Corgis are highly intelligent dogs and like to please their owners. These traits make them an extremely trainablebreed with proper training methods and care.
  2. The most important trick to keep in mind when you begin Corgi’s training process is to make sure that you establish yourself as the leader. Corgis are born herding dogs, so they naturally inherit the leadership trait. If the owner fails to establish himself/herself as the leader, then Corgi would tend to play the role of the leader.The most effective way for you to establish yourself as a pack leader is by using an approach that combines collaboration with assertiveness. Incorporating positive reinforcement will result in successful results. Positive reinforcement uses rewards, like treats or toys, for desired behaviors. This way, your dog will gradually be trained to do those activities more, rewarded by you.
  3. Corgis are highly energetic dogs. It is not an easy task to make your dog listen to you if he is highly excited. So, you have to be calm and assertive around your dog when you’re training him.
  4. Corgis respond well to leash training. Like any other dog, leash training them early on is a must. Don’t pull and drag your puppy. Instead, give tugs and release the pressure. Occasionally, get your puppy to follow you. Corgis are very food-motivated dogs. Give your puppy tiny little treats to entice it to come toward you. If he throws a bit of a hissy fit at the end of the leash, give a tug toward you, praise when he moves in your direction, and reward with physical affection and praises.
  5. Ensure that your puppy gets enough playtime and physical exercise every day. This will help in his mind stimulation and keep him active.
  6. It is imperative to create clear boundaries with your dogs, just like you create the same with the people in your life. Your dog needs to know what they can do, where they can do it, and for how long. One of the most effective ways to do so is by claiming your own space. This is because dogs always seem to claim their own space.
  7. They make it very obvious that a particular space belongs to them physically, through their body language and energy. Similarly, you will also have to claim your space physically. For instance, if you do not want your dog to sit or lie on the couch, then stand over it or occupy the entire space on the couch.
  8. Another effective way of training is by correcting your dog at the right time. If your dog seems to cross a boundary, then you have to correct him at the proper time. For instance, if your dog is about to jump on the sofa and you want him to stay off it, then the proper time to correct him is precisely when he is about to climb on it, not after he is on it.
  9. A fundamental but useful tip that will make it easier for you to train your dog is by establishing your dog’s trust in you. If Corgi feels like he can trust you and that you will be the caretaker of every situation, he won’t act out in situations where it is not necessary. Give him enough time and space to adjust to your ways. Avoid direct eye contact with your dog because that poses a threat to him. Give him enough attention and spend time playing with him to help build trust.
  10. Many dog owners often worry about their dogs stealing food even though they are well fed. For Corgi owners, particularly, this is a problem to worry about given Corgi’s mad love for food. The following trick can train your puppy not to steal food. Get a plate of food and bring it close to your dog. Then get him to stay calm or make him sit. Keep the plate a little away from where he’s sitting. If he comes near it, snap your fingers or make a sharp noise like “BAHH” to discourage his behavior.

Crate training is a very effective housetraining method for your Corgi. “Crate training” is not synonymous with “imprisoning,” like most people think. Crate training teaches your puppy to act responsibly. However, crate training is only wholly effective if you associate it with positive things like treats or toys.

Consistency is the key to successful dog training. Your work as a Corgi parent is never really done. Always work with them and reward them for their behaviors accordingly.

Dog training might feel like a lot of work sometimes, but it is essential for every dog. With these practical tips, your work becomes a lot easier. Of course, be patient and kind to your dog throughout the process for it to be effective. Otherwise, there’s always the option of enrolling your puppy into professional training classes.