Corgi Health and Care

What’s the Healthy Weight Level for Corgis?


Having a dog has its own perks and downfalls. The health of your canine is of utmost importance. Be it early on or in the later years, one must take care of the Corgi’s weight irrespective of its health.

Therefore, it is essential to maintain a comprehensive health record. Even if all other parameters are satisfactory to a considerable extent, make sure regular exercise is ensured. The pup might engage in a sedentary lifestyle owing to innate laziness. Still, it is the owner’s responsibility to keep a check on all these and other related activities. Do not solely rely on vaccination as the dog might develop diseases known to hit corgis at different stages of life. Beware of any allergies as well.

Types of Corgis

This factor has a direct influence on the determination of a healthy weight. Now, why is that so? Every categorization has a role to play. Let us begin from the very first instance. Not all dogs have the same healthy weight. The same goes for the various domesticated and stray breeds as well.

Even breeds are classified into two or more types based on place of origin and the hybrid variety. The same is the case with Corgis. It cannot be a simple number that fits well for all Corgis. There are two types, and both of them have a completely different physique. The two types are Cardigan Corgis and Pembroke Corgis. As mentioned before, this classification is based on their natural habitat or the place where the original breeds were combined for the first time.

The Ultimate Weight Guide for Cardigans

This is the taller and heavier category. Cardigan Corgis are taller than Pembroke’s, and due to their visibly long legs, weight is bound to be more significant. Even in ordinary cases, this category can weigh up to 38 pounds. Anything beyond 45 is a cause for concern. The owners must not be too strict with the recommended weight. The healthy weight prescribed by former owners and vets is simply a mathematical average.

Every dog has a different physique altogether. At times, bones are heavier, while others have a lot of mass. As we know, the gender of your Corgi also leads to differences in weight. It is easy to assume that male Corgis weigh more than female ones. This assumption is accurate and valid in all respects. The difference is capped at four pounds for the Cardigan category. Do not push them to gain or lose weight. Cardigans need to live life on their own terms.

The Ultimate Weight Guide for Pembrokes

Pembrokes are cute baby Corgis. It is not that this category of Corgis does not grow or the overall body is stunted, but they remain small throughout their lives. This leads to the fact that Pembrokes mostly weigh less than Cardigans. The former has smaller legs and no tails at times. All this has a direct contribution towards a lower total of pounds.

Depending on the height of your Pembroke Corgi, the healthy weight is capped at thirty pounds. As mentioned before, gender differences do play a key role here, like human beings. Female Pembrokes can weigh as low as 25 pounds in normal conditions. As far as a healthy weight is concerned, until your dog develops any aches or related issues, it is considered to be healthy. All other factors are ruled out as long as optimum nutrition is provided for a continuous period.

Healthy vs. Obese

This difference is the most important one. A Corgi might put on weight due to the chicken-rich diet it loves to have. However, one cannot simply cut down on food since the dog needs to stay in shape to avoid fatal and painful diseases. Burning calories is difficult but not impossible. Corgis love to snack as well. This fact makes it even easier to assume that they might put on weight quite easily. Providing your dog with human food is not a bad idea, though this practise should be followed only occasionally.

Dog-friendly food is essential for their digestive system to work appropriately and swiftly. Obese dogs might become lazy and idle with time. If you wish to have fun with your dog for a longer time, ensure that they are healthy and not obese.

How to Manage Weight?

It is as simple (or complicated) as maintaining weight in humans. This does not mean that the dietary needs of Corgis match that of humans. It is a simple analogy to make new owners understand that Corgis can put on a considerable amount of weight or lose a few pounds, as per the need. Some people believe that lazy Corgis are prone to get obese with time. Regarding diseases, obesity increases the risk of joint deformities and other related issues. Therefore, it is even more essential to maintain weight throughout. How to do so? There is a single practical tip – exercise. Yes, dogs need to exercise a lot. Simply taking your Corgi on a walk does not ensure maintenance of weight, so make sure to include an exercise schedule as well. Playing with balls is not very reliable in this case.


Whether your pup is a bit chubby or skinny, maintaining optimum health conditions is essential. On the other hand, it is even more critical to segregate between healthy weight and obesity. Once your dog has got an excellent check-up done and faces no more problems, just chill the Corgi way out. For adult Corgi owners, it is common to freak out at every minor irregularity in eating habits or other things.

The owners must understand that the dog is not accustomed to all living conditions. Thus, occasional fever and cough are inevitable. All this must be taken in a light spirit as stressing out would not help in any practical way. A healthy dog is the best pet to have. Make sure your dog is happy as well.