Corgi Training

The Road to a Well-Behaved Corgi: Essential Commands Explained

The Road to a Well-Behaved Corgi: Essential Commands Explained
You want a well-behaved corgi, right? Of course you do! Well, you're in luck because we've got just what you need: 'The Road to a Well-Behaved Corgi: Essential Commands Explained.'

In this handy guide, we'll walk you through the essential commands that every corgi owner needs to know. From 'Stay' to 'Come,' 'Down' to 'Leave It,' and 'Heel,' we've got you covered. And don't worry, we'll explain everything in a way that's easy to understand and implement. No complicated jargon here!

Safety is our top priority, so you can rest assured that these commands will help you keep your corgi out of harm's way.

So, let's get started on the road to a well-behaved corgi!


To ensure a well-behaved Corgi, it's crucial that you master the command 'Stay.' This command is essential for keeping your furry friend safe in different situations. The 'Stay' command can have variations depending on the situation you're in. For example, you can use a hand signal along with the verbal command to reinforce the message. You might also need to teach your Corgi to stay in different positions, such as sitting or lying down.

Now, teaching the 'Stay' command can sometimes pose challenges. Corgis are known for their stubbornness, so be patient and consistent. If your Corgi breaks the stay, calmly bring them back to the original position and start again. Remember to reward your Corgi for staying put, and soon enough, they'll master this important command.

Stay safe and happy training!


When training your Corgi, it's important to teach them the command 'Come' to ensure their safety and obedience. Recall training is essential for a corgi puppy, as they can be quite curious and prone to wandering off.

To teach your Corgi to come to you when called, positive reinforcement is key. Start by using a happy, upbeat tone and enticing them with treats or their favorite toy. When they come to you, shower them with praise and rewards.

Consistency is crucial, so practice the 'come' command in different environments and gradually increase distractions. Make it a fun game for your Corgi, and they'll quickly learn that coming to you means good things happen.


Teach your Corgi to lie down on command, an important skill that builds on their obedience training. Just like the yoga pose 'downward dog' benefits both humans and dogs, teaching your Corgi to lie down has its perks too. It helps them relax, prevents jumping on guests, and keeps them safe in certain situations. Plus, it's a versatile command that can be used in various settings.

Start by choosing a comfortable spot for your Corgi to practice, whether it's on the grass, carpet, or a mat. This will help them associate the command with different surfaces. Remember to use treats and positive reinforcement to encourage them, and soon your Corgi will be a pro at lying down on command, no matter where they are!

Leave It

How can you effectively train your Corgi to 'Leave It' and avoid unwanted behaviors? Teaching your furry friend the 'leave it' command is essential for their safety and your peace of mind. Whether it's a tempting treat on the ground or a dangerous object, you want your Corgi to have the self-control to leave it alone.

To start, use positive reinforcement to train your Corgi to 'leave it'. Begin by placing a low-value item on the ground and saying 'leave it' firmly. When your Corgi ignores the item, reward them with a high-value treat or praise. Repeat this process, gradually increasing the difficulty by using items with higher value.

Common challenges when teaching this command include distractions and impatience. If your Corgi struggles to leave it in different situations, try practicing in different environments and gradually increase the level of distractions. Remember to be patient and consistent with your training.

With time and practice, your Corgi will master the 'leave it' command and stay safe in any situation.


To continue building a well-behaved Corgi, you'll need to master the command of 'Heel' to ensure your furry friend walks beside you with obedience and control. Here are a few tips to help you with leash training and keeping your corgi focused on you during walks and outings:

  • Leash training: Start by attaching the leash to your corgi's collar or harness and hold it firmly, keeping it short. Walk at a steady pace and encourage your corgi to stay by your side. Reward your pup with treats and praise when they walk calmly beside you.

  • Distraction training: During walks, there will be many distractions like other dogs, squirrels, or interesting smells. To keep your corgi focused on you, use treats or toys as rewards for maintaining their position by your side. Practice in different environments to increase their ability to ignore distractions.

  • Consistency is key: Be patient and consistent with your training. Practice the 'Heel' command regularly and reinforce positive behavior. With time and practice, your corgi will learn to walk calmly and obediently by your side, ensuring a safe and enjoyable walking experience for both of you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Teach My Corgi to Roll Over?

First, get your corgi's attention with a treat. Then, gently guide him into a lying position. Next, take the treat and move it in a circular motion over his head, saying "roll over." Reward and repeat!

What Is the Best Way to Train My Corgi to Shake Hands?

The best way to train your corgi to shake hands without treats is to use positive reinforcement like praise and petting. Avoid common mistakes like rushing the process or getting frustrated. Consistency and patience are key.

Can I Use Treats as Rewards During the Training Process?

Yes, you can definitely use treats as rewards during the training process! Treat training is a popular method and can be very effective. However, there are also alternative rewards like verbal praise and playtime that you can try.

How Long Does It Usually Take to Train a Corgi to Obey These Commands?

Training times can vary for different breeds of dogs, but corgis are generally quick learners. To speed up the process, make sure to use positive reinforcement and consistency. With patience and practice, your corgi will be obeying commands in no time!

What Should I Do if My Corgi Is Stubborn and Refuses to Listen to These Commands?

If your corgi is stubborn and won't listen to commands, don't worry! There are effective strategies to overcome resistance. Try exploring alternative training methods and find what works best for your furry friend.