Corgi Health and Care

5 Ways Your Overweight Corgi Can Trim Off the Flubber

Obesity is one of the most common diseases that Corgies suffer from. Obesity, as we all know, causes weight gain in both humans and animals. As a result, dogs suffering from obesity begin to gain weight, which is dangerous because it can lead to more physical issues with muscles, joints, and bones. If you have an obese corgi, there are a few things you can do to keep his weight under control so he doesn’t develop other health problems and can remain fit and safe.

What’s a healthy weight on a Corgi anyway?

Every dog breed has a unique body made up of different and distinct genes from other breeds. A healthy weight for a male corgi is 10-14 kgs, and for a female corgi is 10-13 kgs. It can be a severe issue if the weight begins to rise and reaches more than 14 kilograms. Your dog may appear to you to be sweet and fluffy but bear in mind that this cuteness may lead to dangerous diseases in your corgi that you were unaware of.

How do I examine Corgi’s weight gain at home?

At home, one can check their dog’s weight using a weight machine and keep track of how much his weight is increasing each week. You may also depend on the rule of thumb.

According to the general rule, if you can notice your dog’s waistline, that means he’s on the threshold for good weight. You can try to examine his waistline by standing above the dog’s profile and looking down. You can even feel your Corgi’s waist to make an educated guess. Are your dog’s ribs visible under their coat and skin? If not, the little buddy might have too much fat on him.

Ways to keep your Corgi fitter


Feed Sufficient, Never Extra

When a pet owner notices that his or her pet is gaining weight, the first thing that comes to mind is, “Am I overfeeding him?” Yes, you might be feeding your pet more food than his body needs.

When you overfeed your pet, the excess food begins to produce fat in him. Since this fat is unhealthy, it begins to accumulate in the dog’s body, leading to weight gain. Often consult your veterinarian to ask how much food you can feed your Corgi. It may be difficult to measure the food at hand accurately. You can purchase a few measuring cups and weigh the food before giving it to your dog in this situation.

Should I keep a hold on Treats for a few days?

You should not stop feeding your Corgi with Treats as it can make him depressed and quiet. A healthy way to go about treats is to provide nutritious and fewer treats. One benefit of working with dogs is that they are unaffected by the size of the treat. All they care about is how many treats you’re giving them.

The treats that you are feeding your Corgi should be less in calories and should not be from the list of Human Foods. If you want, you can make healthy treats for your dog at home as well. There are some exceptions in the list of Human Foods like cucumber, carrot, apples, and other healthy fruits and vegetables.

Never Compromise on Food Quality

Many veterinarians believe that poor-quality food is a significant contributor to your dog’s weight gain. Unfortunately, determining the primary food ingredient which is the cause of your pet’s excess weight is challenging. The best way to avoid low-quality food is to give your dog a well-balanced and nutritious diet. Your vet can also provide you with a particular diet program for your Corgi’s weight reduction.

Exercise for Weight Sacrifice

Exercise contributes excessively to Corgi’s weight gain. At first, it might be difficult for your corgi to manage long walks and runs. But after a few weeks, he will get used to it, and his fat will start decreasing with time. When we talk about weight loss and exercise, the process remains the same for both humans and dogs. Like human beings, a dog’s body also demands calory deficiency, and exercise is the perfect way to achieve that.

Also, taking out your dog for a walk can prove to be both physically and mentally healthy for him. One should take their corgies out at least two times a day. You can increase it to 3 times for getting better results in weight loss.

Corgis are working and active dogs. You can introduce a few dog sports and games to them in order to engage them in some physical activity to reduce their weight. This will not only be a fun task to do but will also be healthy for your Corgi.

Muscle Building, but on the Right Areas

Sometimes it becomes difficult for Corgis and other dogs to cope with long walks and intense exercise even after a few weeks. As a result, it leads to muscle pain or ligament tear in them. Restoration and body maintenance activities could be a great starting point if your Corgi is too overweight for intense exercise.

You can easily find Rehab Exercises for your Corgi on the internet to do at home. Water-based exercises can also be a good option for Corgi if he struggles to cope with high-level exercises.

Don’t Neglect the behavioral changes

Believe it or not, if your Corgi is overweight, he is stressed as well. Being overweight can cause your dog to have physical, emotional, and behavioral stress, and it’s normal. It will just happen because when they are heavy, they have a hard time moving, walking, and being active, which causes them to be stressed internally and emotionally. As a result, they do not seem to be happy and start gaining more weight.

Start introducing a change in their lifestyle, and you will see that your dog’s health, overall behavior, and emotional attitude will be changing as well.

So, start creating and developing a new form of a healthy lifestyle for your dog by following the above ways. 

“It all starts with health and ends with health.”

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