Corgi Diet

12 Tips on How Much You Should Feed Your Corgi Puppy

Affectionate, smart, and highly likable, the Corgi puppy is a top choice for a house dog. Not only do they make wonderful human companions, but they also respond well to training and have proven themselves to be loyal, loving pets to many families. All these qualities make Corgi puppies one of the most popular breeds in the world.As with any puppy brought into a new home, certain dietary cautions have to be taken. When it comes to taking care of a Corgi puppy, or any other breed, the most common question is this: What do they eat?

The answer to this question is not as straightforward as one would think. There are many things to consider. What would a Corgi puppy eat? Which brand to choose from? How often should the puppy be fed in a day?

Keeping up with all this new information and making the right choices for your puppy’s optimal health can be daunting. In this article, we answer all the questions about your Corgi pup’s dietary needs.

Every Puppy is Different

The first thing you need to know is that there is no one answer to what you might need to feed your Corgi. Corgis are famous for their love of food. For this very reason, they are prone to obesity.

However, every puppy is different, and patience is key. Adjust to the idea that you are going to need a few days to find out just the kind of food your puppy likes and then alter it according to their needs based on their weight and activity level.

Age Matters

The dietary needs of a puppy differ from that of an adult dog. A Corgi puppy needs more resting energy, thus more calories when compared to an adult dog.

A rule of thumb for puppies’ daily caloric intake is twice the Resting Energy Requirement (RER).

Calculate your Corgi Puppy’s Optimal Weight

All of the care put into choosing just the right balance of diet for a Corgi puppy is to promote a healthy lifestyle and make sure your pup will grow into a fit adult dog. Since Corgis tend to get overweight easily, a strict check on daily calorie intake is necessary. To do that, calculate the optimal weight for your puppy, depending on its age.

A 3-month-old female Corgi puppy should weigh between 9.5 – 12 lbs. At one year, 2-months, a young adult female Corgi should weigh around 22-29 lbs. For a 3-month-old male puppy, the healthy weight is between 9.5-13 lbs. (4.3 – 5.44 kg), and at 14-months, the ideal weight is around 22-31 lbs. (9.98 – 13.15 kg).These weight guidelines should be followed for your Corgi puppy to transition into a strong adult.

Calculate Caloric Needs

Once you know the ideal weight for your puppy as it grows, the caloric intake also needs to change accordingly. A growing pup needs several vitamins and minerals in its food, more than an adult, to aid wholesome growth. According to The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), puppies’ feed should contain 22.5% of high-quality protein.

The right blend of vitamins and minerals like Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin A is necessary, along with staying under the daily caloric requirement.

Mix the Old and New Diet Gradually

A lot of time and care goes into striking just the right balance of diet for your puppy, so it is natural for you to want to start with the new plan immediately. However tempting, this is not a good idea. The best approach is to go slow, gradually mixing the new food regimen with the old one that your puppy has already used from the shelter or the breeder. Then, over time, you can increase the amount of food from your carefully curated diet plan.

Select the Right Type of Food

When selecting food for your puppy, going for high-quality protein choices is always a good thing. Moreover, look for food that is high in antioxidants to help support and boost your puppy’s immune system. This will decrease the chances of your puppy developing hip dysplasia, which is a more common problem in long breed puppies like a Corgi.

You should pick a commercial food, like kibble, you would not have to worry about your puppy getting all the required nutrients since it is carefully designed just for that purpose. Make sure to choose small breed puppy kibble made for a Corgi pup to easily chew and swallow.

Kibble vs. Raw and Homemade Food

There are many options to choose from when selecting the ideal diet for your puppy. You can go for kibble. Not only will this fulfill its dietary needs and requirements, but you will also be spared the task of measuring out the right amount to feed your puppy at a certain age since the calculations are made for you by different brands.

However, there are several other options to explore. Wet food is one of them. Especially if your puppy was used to eating wet food, a good balance between the two is optimal, but wet food also spoils easily, which can be difficult to manage. Kibble, on the other hand, can also be used in training as treat for your puppy.You can feed your puppy homemade or raw food, but this would require you to carefully curate a diet that not only your puppy enjoys but also gets all its nutrients from.

Go for Multiple Feedings Per Day

Once you have figured out the daily caloric intake based on the weight and dietary needs unique to your puppy, it’s important to divide it over several feedings during the day. This will help your puppy digest the food and curb the problem of over-eating in Corgis.

You can use the following plan as a rough guide:

At 2 – 4 months of age, go for 4 meals daily,

At 4 – 6 months of age, 3 meals daily should do the trick,

At 6 – 8 months of age, gradually switch to 2 – 3 meals daily,

At over 8 months of age, your puppy should do well with 1 – 2 meals daily.

Consult your Vet

It is very important to have the guidance of a trusted vet. In case you feel like your puppy is not thriving with the diet plan curated for him or it has outright refused to switch its eating habits, you should consult a vet. A professional can help you develop an ideal diet plan that would make sure your pup’s health is where you want to be to promote steady growth.

The Dilemma of the Ever-Hungry Corgi Pup

Since Corgi puppies are known as “foodies,” it can be difficult to determine how much food is enough food. Try a slow feeder bowl to trick your puppy into thinking it has been eating for longer to feel fuller. You can also space out the meals and use the food gradually as treats for training. Note that all this depends on your puppy’s activity level as well. An active puppy is a hungry puppy.

What to Do If the Puppy Refuses to Eat

Although not a common problem with a Corgi pup, it is worrisome if your furry friend entirely refuses to eat. This could be because of the transition from its previous diet to a new regimen. However, it could also indicate an underlying health issue.A safer course of action would be to consult your vet to get to the bottom of the problem.

Switching to An Adult Diet: When and How?

At 12-months-old your puppy is considered a young adult; therefore, it is important to gradually switch to a diet plan intended for an adult dog to fulfill your Corgi’s daily nutrition requirement.Remember that your puppy is unique, and there will be a lot of trial and error before you reach just the right balance of food that is high in nutritive value but also loved by your dog. So be patient and have fun with the process. Your adorable little furball will do too.