Corgi Training

10 Training Tips for First Time Corgi Owners

Requirements and Expenses

Raising a Corgi requires a considerable amount of efforts as well as financial resources. They do not demand a lot, but their natural needs need to be catered to. These include the special kind of atmosphere, healthy surroundings, and a habitat free from common dog allergens. In case the owners have practically no time for the pet, a caretaker also becomes a necessity. This is due to the fact that Corgi hates loneliness.

If left by itself for long periods of time, it might not be long before the canine turns completely insane. To avoid such bad consequences, it is advisable to get your Corgi once you have the required time for its upbringing. If the case is the exact opposite, the pup might end up bonding with the caretaking personnel instead of the parents. Such a scenario might be quite unpleasant for both parties.

The Top 10 Tips


A daily routine is the most essential habit

No habit will work for the Corgi unless and until it is followed on a regular basis. By regular, it means that the dog should not be left on its own while the training process is going on. Habits will take some time to develop but make sure that some, even minimal, progress is made with each passing day.

Toilet training – the sooner, the better

A lot of people change their idea of buying a Corgi due to this reason. Particularly in the case of this breed, toilet training is a lot more difficult. This is due to the fact that Corgis are much more stubborn and moody than other breeds. It is advisable to begin early so as to make them well equipped with the habits. Do not take your Corgi to a new place or to a public gathering unless this habit is sorted in a complete manner. The time slot should be decided, and try to take them to a familiar place each time.

Space limitation is a must, irrespective of age

The dog must understand right from the beginning that there is a limited area that it can access inside and outside the house. Corgis try to invade each and every place due to their affectionate nature. While it is acceptable to let them sit along with the family members. On the other hand, tables and kitchen area is a big no. Do not be extra lenient with your pup, or else you will end up spoiling it.

Using a leash becomes inevitable at times

This is one of the most brutal truths related to raising a dog. Leash training is essential, especially in the case of Corgis because they are prone to chasing a lot. Their small size encourages them to run a lot as well. Whatever be the case, just ensure that the Corgi does not end up hurting its neck.

They need to learn some manners as well

Like human babies, Corgi babies also need to develop some manners early on. As soon as they hit an adequate age, the owner should make them understand the importance of mannerisms. Cleanliness is also an important facet of this category. The manners include minimal barking when guests arrive, and leniency with kids is a must. Make sure the dog does not pounce upon every person who enters your house.

Other important manners are eating habits. They should not litter a lot but the owners being too strict is not the solution at all. Let your corgi finish a meal and then refill so that it understands the importance of finishing up.

Socialisation is equally important for Corgis

They are attention-seeking dogs which means that they would like to establish their supremacy as much as possible. Let them meet other dogs and even other animals so that they learn how to socialize. This will prevent daily fights with the pets in your neighbourhood.

Commands play a crucial role in training

If you wish to control your dog, use commands as much as possible. Make sure that the words you use are limited in variety, and the way of speaking does not change a lot. The dog does not understand the meaning but can surely become conditioned to act in a certain way. All these can be used by you to teach your Corgi how to obey you in times of urgency.

Small commands like sit, stand, and handshake is equally essential. For advanced training, better words can also be employed. Work on the clarity of words and make sure the dog understands them fully. Appreciation might help in this step, up to a considerable extent.

Try making use of occasional reinforcements for better results

Treats are important, but they become even more fascinating when your dog earns them. Corgis are quite competitive in nature, and they would easily understand that showing a certain behaviour will get them what they want. Do not punish them too harshly or encourage them too loosely.

Consistency is the key

The Corgi should continue to follow your instructions daily. By consistency, it is meant that habit formation will be enhanced. You can even keep track using a calendar. Once a habit is formed, a brief period of rest is a must.

Neither the dog nor the owner should overdo anything

If the reinforcements are too likeable, the dog might exhibit certain behaviours more than the normal limit. This needs to be stopped since training is an extensive process. Let your Corgi move over freely and play happily all along.

All About Overheads

Overhead costs include leaving your dog at the centre during vacations. If your dog is accustomed to having a specific variety of toys, they might also add up to a small amount. Early on, transportation would also prove to be a hefty overhead charge. This can be cut down in case the owners decide to go and bring the dog home.

Rescue cases have no such issues. Monetary expenses do not matter much if the dog blends well with the family. Expenses in terms of love and affection also add up. Now, why is that so? This is because it is almost impossible to raise breeds like Corgis without a bit of pampering now and then. They are simply like human babies and love to be caressed.